Jared (Jesse McCartney)
Jared and Mia
I will apologize for the lack of the other person's response, I really like this format of setting up the scenes but do not have the her part of the thread anymore.

even though mia admitted her feelings for him quite some time ago, jared loved that it didn't affect their relationship at all. it didn't cause any kind of awkwardness and they were still abel to just be themselves around each other. of course, jared too had feelings for mia, though he never actually admitted this to her. they had a conversation about the possibility of moving things to the next level, but as much as jared really wanted to take that step, it scared him too much. mia was his best friend, she meant more to him than anyone else in the world besides his family. he couldn't stand the thought of what would happen if things didn't work out between them. he couldn't risk losing his best friend. but after they talked things out mia had understood and things went on as normal between them.
when she asked for jared to come hang out with her, he immediately jumped at the chance. his ultimate favorite thing to do more than anything else was to spend time with her. even more than reading and writing, which was his life. remembering that she had mentioned being hungry, he quickly headed down to the lobby, looking around at the food options their hotel had for them. he settled on going to the california grill and bought a box of pizza. he was sure whatever the two of them didn't eat wouldn't last more than 5 minutes with their families so it was sure to be eaten and not go to waste. with the pizza in hand, he headed back up to their floor, passing his room down to her door. balancing the pizza in one hand, he knocked on her door with the other.

jared chuckled at her attempt to disguise her voice, shaking his head at her when she finally opened the door. he gave her a quick glance over, something he couldn't help doing. even when she didn't try to look great, she was still gorgeous in his eyes. even at times when they'd spent the night together and he saw her first thing in the morning with bed head and the grungy morning look, she was still beautiful to him.
"you are such a liar!" he teased, stepping inside and immediately kicked off his shoes before following her over to the bed. "i knew you would appreciate food. i got half pepperoni and half sausage since i was being indecisive," he explained with a soft laugh. sitting down beside her, he reached over to grab a slice of pizza and take a bite. once he successfully swallowed he gave his shoulders a shrug, "nothing really. things were pretty boring in our room. amelia was watching cartoons that i was half watching with her since there was nothing better to do. hanging out with you is sure to be much funner," he flashed a grin at her. "what about you?" he asked before taking another large bite of his slice of pizza.

jared listened to her speak, nodding his head sarcastically. "uh huh, i'm surrre you would have!" he teased, playfully poking her in the side. "we both know whether i had pizza or not you would have let me in because without me you would have been completely and utterly bored," he reminded her, raising an eyebrow, giving her a 'you know i'm right' look.
"you should be used to him doing things like that by now," he chuckled, giving his shoulders a shrug. he finished eating his slice of pizza as he let her complain. he was used to being her listener anytime she needed or wanted one so he didn't mind it. he raised an eyebrow, his lips widening into a large smile. "alright! go where? what would you like to do? anything in particular? or any ideas?" he asked curiously, trying to figure out what she could possibly be thinking of, though it was hard to tell with mia.

"you could have tried but i still wouldn't have believed it, i've been to your room enough times that i would know this was for sure your room," he reminded her with a cheesy grin. he couldn't help but to laugh at her joke, shaking his head. "yeah, that wasn't the best joke.
he raised an eyebrow, letting out a soft laugh as he shook his head after she spoke. "i don't know how in the world you did that, but you totally read my mind! i was hoping whatever ideas you might have would work in with seeing the fireworks. so yes, that plan sounds amazing," he told her excitedly. he had been hoping to see the fireworks and of course watching them with her made it even better. he was estatic. "yeah let's stop over in my room on our way out," he nodded his head, waiting while she grabbed her wallet and closed the pizza box. "alright, let's go! adventure time!" he smiled happily as he lead her out of the room.
making their way down the hallway, he slid the card key into the door and pushed the door open to head into his room. walking over to his bag, he searched through to find a pair of jeans. he quickly changed into them, not bothering to go into the bathroom. it wasn't the first time she'd seen him in boxers and he wasn't shy so it wasn't a big deal. once he was dressed he looked over at her with a smile. "ready to go," he smiled, walking back over to the door, holding it open for her to go ahead of him.

"okay, okay, i give you props," he offered kindly with a smile. "don't worry, it's disney world, i'm sure they'll be the best fireworks ever. after all they've got a bajillion dollars to spend on them," he noted. he honestly hoped that he would be right. but with how luxurious and amazing everything else in disney world was he didn't worry much about it. "yes! definitely! i've always wanted to ride that thing," he admitted, getting more and more excited as time went on.
he chuckled, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as the headed down the hallway towards the elevator. "sorry mia. not like it's anything you've never seen before so i figured it didn't matter." he smirked as the two scowled at each other in amusement.
finally they were outside and getting onto the bus and he couldn't help but to be even more excited now that they were on their way. jared gave her a little smile, reaching down to hold onto her waist as he flipped spots with her to try to make her a little bit happier for the moment anyway. "so what should we do first when we get there?" he asked, his eyes meeting hers.

"yes, a bajillion! and a half. just don't tell any of my professors at school that i used the word bajillion, got it?" he laughed. going into an english major he knew most people probably expected him to be a real big stickler with grammar, but unless he was actually writing some kind of a piece he wasn't very anal about it like some people were. "yes! i remember" he smiled, thinking about the ride. he was sure he'd probably be freaking out on the inside but hold a cool front as much as possible.
after what felt like forever, the bus finally stopped and he felt mia grab his hand. he followed after he as she lead him off the bus. "i can't wait!" he grinned happily, quickly heading over to the gate. he handed the attendant his pass, then took it back after they had scanned it and made his way through the gate. "hopefully. i bet since it's so late the lines will be short though, luckily." he quickly headed over to the line, winding his way through the gates until he was standing behind the other people waiting. "this is the worse part of amusement parks is all the standing and waiting."

"better think of the right answer or i'll think of something to tell yours!" he teased, flashing her a smile. of course she would know he was only joking but it was fun to tease her anyway. "by second semestber i will be! i was just a little bit under," he explained, giving a little shrug.
"i can't wait! this will be so fun. that would be crazy. i want to go stay in a haunted hotel. a real one. i swear i'm going to some day! and i will drag you along with me," he flashed her a wide smile. "okay, okay, this one isn't so bad. but some of them you have to wait in line forever and those are horrible. i've waited in line for like an hour before."
finally they made their way inside, following the line as they were ushered into a little room with a crowd of people where the doors were shut behind them and the lights went out. his attention turned to the little tv that sat along the wall as the twilight zone theme music started to play and a short video about the hotel's history played on the screen. once it was over the lights came on and the doors opened and they were ushered over to the 'elevator'. "are you nervous?" he asked as he climbed into his seat.
code by tessisamess